Benefits of avocado for your health or your skin

 Benefits of avocado for your health or your skin.
Hallo, I will discuss about the efficacy of an avocado or the term is avocado to your health that I took from various sources. May be useful for all.

There are so many benefits of avocado fruit content ranging from avocado leaves, seeds or fruits of an avocado is very good for human health, but this time I will explain the benefits of avocado specifically its course.

The benefits of avocados but can we consume the juice is made avocado juice can be mixed with eggs and honey, or can also be made recipes that avocado recipes, there are some avocados are very much at all to human health that we might not know it. What are the benefits of avocado it? Okay just following are some of the benefits of avocado for our health:

1. Addressing dry skin 

We can make a mask with avocado squash the meat mushy. Then we apply on the face, dry, leave about 2 hours, then rinse with cold water.
2. Healthy skin and hair 

Avocado oil is often used in cosmetics to moisturize the skin and make it glow. In addition, avocados also contain ingredients that can make hair healthy and beautiful. Vitamin E contained in the avocado will protect the skin from harmful sun radiation.
3. Diabetes

Avocado seeds roasted over a fire and then cut into small pieces using a machete, then boiled using clean water until the water is brown, then strain and drink the water when cool.
4. hair shiny 
Puree the avocado is ripe, then mix with yogurt, an egg, a half teaspoon of rosemary oil and a teaspoon of jojoba oil. Then make a mask for your hair. Allow approximately 20-30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. 
5. Treat swollen due to inflammation
Dry the seeds of avocado, then pounded until smooth. Take powder of avocado taste. Add a little water until a dough like mush. Then smeared the paste to the sick body. 
6. Pain cavities 
Avocado seed until finely ground. Use a small amount of avocado seed powder and insert into the cavities. Or can also use cotton and matched into the cavities. 
7. Promotes weight loss 
Eating avocados are a healthy way to promote weight loss. Avocados contain enough calories and nutrients to help raise the weight. If you are too thin and need to increase the weight, avocados could be one of your best friends. 
8. Lowering Cholesterol
Eating avocado is known to lower LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol). Not only that, the avocado also help boost the amount of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). 
9. Preventing inflammation 
Research also shows that in addition to delicious, avocados also have nutrients that may help prevent inflammation. It can be used to prevent the disease risks associated with the emergence of inflammation in the body. 
10. Blood pressure 
Avocado fruit is known to help lower and control blood pressure. This is because the substance contained potassium in avocados. 
11. Controlling blood sugar
Avocados contain monounsaturated fats (mono-saturated fat) which help to overcome insulin resistance. By doing so, the content also helps the body to control blood sugar levels. 
12. Protects against cancer 
Research conducted in animals by feeding them avocado extract also shows that avocados may help prevent skin cancer, prostate cancer, and oral cancer. However, further studies in humans have not been done and is still limited. 
13. Treating thrush 
Take a ripe avocado seed, rake the flesh was then given 2 tablespoons pure honey, mixed well and then eaten. Do it every day until cured. This is a delicious way to treat thrush :)

Well you already know the multiple benefits of avocado? Apparently quite a lot too huh? :) But actually there's more you know some of the benefits that we do not know. But I think this is enough to increase knowledge about the contents and properties of the avocado to the health of our bodies. Thanks.
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